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《Skullgirls - 骷髅女孩》是款2D格斗游戏,玩家能够使用多名女性角色进行对战,本作是由美国大学生同人改编的游戏,画风不仅有标准的美式漫画风格,也融入了不少日式漫画的味道。 Skullgirls 2nd Encore - Skullgirls 2nd Encore is a beautiful, fast-paced, and critically acclaimed 2D fighting game that puts players in control of fierce warriors in an extraordinary Dark Deco world. Each of the 14 wildly original characters features unique gameplay mechanics and plenty of personality. Skullgirls is the perfect fighting game for casual and competitive fighting game fans alike. Skullgirls 是一个精彩的2D打斗游戏,在经过了一系列不同的平台(包括PS,Xbox 360 以及PC)之后,终于登陆了安卓。这个游戏是非常适合于触屏手机的,通过点击和屏幕手势,代替了经典的攻击和移动操纵杆。 查看更多. 技术信息. 程序包名称. com.autumn.skullgirls. 授权许可. 免费. 操作系统. Android. 广告 Skullgirls is a 2D fighting game that puts players in control of fierce warriors as they fight to claim the mystical Skull Heart. Skullgirls was released in 2012 for PSN and XBLA. ESRB Rating: TEEN with Blood, Partial Nudity, Use of Tobacco, Violence Skullgirls is coming to the Nintendo Switch! Digital and physical releases coming soon! 4290 notes. 2 years ago. #skullgirls #lab zero #lab zero 【端游翻译】端游界面..1.主界面主界面包括单人模式,对战模式,练习模式,帮助与设置,下载内容,成就,排行榜,额外内容以及退出游戏。单人模式:一系列单人玩法(pve),之后会详细讲对战模式:一系列多人玩法(pvp),之后会详
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